Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Time to save the internet because it is not just the piggy bank for the corporations that hold the internet "backbone" like Comcast, etc.

For more information on this critical issue check out the video here.

Take time to send in your voice against another giveaway to major corporations , and the people are the ones who will be paying more for the internet.

Call Congress today!

Find out the key committee that is voting this very week!

To find out where your member stands click here.

The threat is real! Don't let the pipelines that carry our words and messages be discriminated against by the "golden rule" (i.e., those who have the gold rules) that corporations are beholden to.

This is beyond the red/blue divide in politics. Gun Owners of America, Craig from Craigslist.org as well as MoveOn.org, from DailyKos.com to Instapundit.com recognize the danger of having those corporations control not only the pipes but then become the tollway operators too. Across the political spectrum we have united and formed: www.savetheinternet.com

We, the people, own this new medium and should not be for sale to the highest bidder.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Unfortunately this is not an April Fool joke:

Pachacutec writes about a conference call to bloggers by Sen. Schumer, head of DSCC, and Rep. Emanuel, head of DCCC,:

As a participant in the call, I can tell you these quotes don’t do justice to the Senator’s overall tone. He came across as dismissive, impatient and frequently overbearing. He does not believe the grassroots is at all bothered by the establishment’s decision to abandon Murtha on redeployment or Feingold on censure. Censure, to Schumer, is clearly a nuisance and a distraction...

The bottom line is this: the DSCC does not see your voice as important. Schumer says the DSCC’s small dollar donations are at record highs, so all the grassroots Democrats must be happy. Conveniently, he omits that past DSCC efforts have not focused much on small donors. He also ignores the possibility that small dollar donations could be exponentially higher if Senate Democrats actually stood up for popular issues of conscience. He is determined not to play offense, because he believes it would take the focus off Bush.

I disagree. Attacking blatant presidential power grabs only highlights Bush’s failures further. Politicians can lead and shape public opinion, and censure already enjoys wide support, even without any effort to educate the public. If Senate Democrats united in support for censure, those last six points separating Bush from Nixon could fall our way, even as we protect constitutional balance and maybe save the republic.

While the DSCC and DCCC want your money they do not want to listen to what the netroots/grassroots really want: Leadership on issues that are critical for the well being of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights for all Americans.

So, it is simple, give no money to the DSCC or the DCCC but give directly to the candidates of your choice through either their own websites or ActBlue.com.

Finally, let the DSCC and DCCC know, through your Representatives or Senators, your reasons for not giving to the national operations.
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