Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Time to save the internet because it is not just the piggy bank for the corporations that hold the internet "backbone" like Comcast, etc.

For more information on this critical issue check out the video here.

Take time to send in your voice against another giveaway to major corporations , and the people are the ones who will be paying more for the internet.

Call Congress today!

Find out the key committee that is voting this very week!

To find out where your member stands click here.

The threat is real! Don't let the pipelines that carry our words and messages be discriminated against by the "golden rule" (i.e., those who have the gold rules) that corporations are beholden to.

This is beyond the red/blue divide in politics. Gun Owners of America, Craig from Craigslist.org as well as MoveOn.org, from DailyKos.com to Instapundit.com recognize the danger of having those corporations control not only the pipes but then become the tollway operators too. Across the political spectrum we have united and formed: www.savetheinternet.com

We, the people, own this new medium and should not be for sale to the highest bidder.
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