Monday, December 11, 2006

 Hope everyone has a good holiday season.

My grad school class is almost over with.

I just have one paper left to write, which is on San Antonio v Rodriguez SCOTUS decision that denied the "right to education" as being a fundamental right implied within the 14th Amendment.  The decision is a repudiation of Brown v School Board of Topeka.

Next semester I'll be taking "Research Methods" and another class that I'm not sure what on as of now.

A good history book on the creation and ratification of the Bill of Rights called, "James Madison and the Struggle for the Bill of Rights" by Richard Labunski I just started.  The book is something that is not just for scholars but for the general history reader.  I'm only 50 pages in and the writing is similiar to other works like Collier & Collier's book, "Decision in Philadelphia: The Constitutional Convention of 1787".  Well researched and highlights a pivotal point in American history.

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