Saturday, May 28, 2005

Good news on the judicial front as a federal judge orders the U.S. military to release more photographic evidence of the torturing of prisoners at Abu Ghraib:

"Judge Alvin Hellerstein, finding the public has a right to see the pictures, told the government Thursday he will sign an order requiring it to release them to the American Civil Liberties Union, the lawyers said."

I found it interesting that the Bush administration has been forced through FOIA requests by the ACLU to release "36,000 pages of documents and the reports of 130 investigations, mostly from the FBI and Army, have been turned over to the ACLU. The group is seeking documents from the CIA and the Defense Department as well."

But given the amount of paperwork generated by those investigations Amnesty International has blasted Bush and his lackeys on the fact that the Guantanamo prison complex is "the gulag of our time", and in president of Center for Constitutional Rights Micheal Ratner's book, "Guantanamo: What the World Should Know", calls it a blatantly illegal interrogation camp. There is no mass movement to rectify this immoral and illegal abomination upon this nation.

Many learned people are puzzled by this seeming contradiction in which the principals of the Constitution and the shield for our freedoms enumerated in the Bill of Rights are ignored in this so-called war on terror.

I was in attendence at a talk by George Lakoff in Denver last Saturday. He summarized that any moral framework would triumph a social framework debate. The example he used was abortion. To wit the use of the words of "choice" versus "life" a person would go for the moral frame over the consumer frame because the words used are one of belief over consumerism.

What does this mean for the atrocities being committed in the name of "war on terror" which are against the Constitution and laws of this nation? One has to look at the psychological operations being utilized by Bush and his minons in use of fear to shackle the minds of a traumatized population immediately after 9/11. This shock to the nation's people produced a state of malleability which has led to this seeming "blindness" to these profoundly immoral and illegal doctrines by Bush and his lackeys because it is based upon the fear of death that people have.

As Lakoff stated last Saturday we, meaning progressives, liberals, and cultural creatives, have to take the linguistic frame to become the party of life and brand the opposition as the party of death.

Nothing more and nothing less will suffice.
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