Saturday, May 14, 2005

It's time for people of conscience to display on their homes and cars the message: The smoking gun- Bush fixes facts to fit his war on Iraq. There should be a massive door to door campaign to spread the word that Americans were bamboozled into this war. The Blair memorandum should be in every mail box in America to let people read what Bush said before his war and the cold hard fact that it was a blatant hypocrisy.

There has been no denial on either side of the Atlantic ocean of the authenticity of the memo.

Where is the MSM on this issue which has cost 1,600+ American lives and upto 100,000 Iraqi lives? You can see that this story which should lead to a Congressional impeachment investigation was buried in the back pages of the "A" section in both the Washington Post and New York Times. Even the Denver Post had the story buried in the back of the "A" section.

The fourth estate of a free, investigative, muck raking press is now history it seems. The ground breaking stories by such reporters as Seymour Hersch are relegated to low circulation monthly magazines that simply do not have the reach of the major newspaper dailies or the heft of commerical or cable television audiences.

We, as citizens, have a duty to uphold and defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights from all enemies. As many other well known public figures have stated- the enemy is not from without but from within. As William Rivers Pitt and Micheal Ratner have eloquently written about the complete disregard of our two founding documents of America, of the laws of this nation, of the "rule of law" because of Bush's goals of imperial war and "war on terror".
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