Friday, April 08, 2005

What does the creation of a DoD guide for field commanders that uses the term "enemy combatant" and Northern Command seem to be heading for trouble?

The guide has hundreds of suspected terrorist organizations. However, Northern Command is the Pentagon's "homeland" security arm.

The Northern Command was created in 2002 and is under the command of USAF General Eberhart. General Eberhart is on record advocating that the US military should have a greater role in domestic policing operations. His view is that Northern Command should be a "one stop shop" for such agencies as FEMA and the FBI but still observe the "Posse Comitas" law which prohibits domestic use of the military for policing the people of America.

However, the term "enemy combatant" has never been explicitly defined. It is a made up nonsensical and non legal term which has no basis in US law or international judicial conventions.
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