Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Democratic Party activists in the seven states have been focused on taking Bush out of the White House. While the primary season has to play itself out, I am for a strong candidate who has the smarts and toughness to take the fight to Bush. Not a candidate that will lay back and let Bush dictate the field of play but to shape the battleground for the America that I grew up in. An America that has given hope to all of the oppressed peoples of the world. An America that has shown that the sum is greater then the parts, and we as a people united can do great works and great good for all of humanity.

Bush is not the America that I believe in as delineated in the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The very ideological foundations that Bush upholds are antithetical to the U.S. Constitution. Under his illegal reign Bush has set up a secret military tribunal system that is anathema to the legal principals that are the hall marks of the American justice system as envisioned by the founders of this nation. His use of meaningless legal terms to obfuscate those he holds in military prisons throughout the world are on the same level as the worst dictators from the political spectrum running from facists to communists. Across the world there is universal condemnation of the Bush vision of justice.

What Bush does not recognize but legal and history and political thinkers all agree on is that old adage "What is good for the goose is good for the gander". The justice that is understood by Bush will come back to haunt all Americans.
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