Friday, February 20, 2004

The best blogger on American hate/racist groups/individuals is by far Orcinus, . Read his latest post and see if your own personal experiences with radical reactionaries mirrors that of Neiwert's writing about.

I know that there is a lot of anger/hate directed at liberals/progressives from the radical reactionary talk shows and those people who form the listenership audience. From second hand accounts there have been incidents from people whose cars with anti-war/peace/diversity stickers being vandalized. To the offices of peace/progressive groups being broken into, and those same groups have had their websites hacked and spammed/DNS.

The divide between radical reactionaries and the rest of the population of America has never been greater. Without reasoned, rationale discourse between radical reactionaries and real conservatives, moderates, and liberal/progressives the whole process of how American democracy works under the original framers intention set out in the U.S. Constitution breaks down.

From the writings of Mr. Norquist and propoganda pieces by Coulter and the rantings of Limbaugh, Scarborough, and their ilk comes a "final solution" as espoused by a writer who sent Dave Neiwert an email:

From: "Baker, J." []
To: []
Subject: Comments . . . Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 22:33:11 -0500

You people are beyond evil. George W. Bush will be re-elected to a second term, and hopefully it will drive die-hard idiotic leftists to commit suicide, that would be the bonus round!

Instead of bitching about how much you hate George W. Bush and how he stole the election and went AWOL from the National Guard, why don't you rotten cocksuckers spend your time and money and offer up a candidate who isn't a god-damned America-hating lunatic?

You people are utterly useless to humanity and wholly better off dead, burning in eternal damnation.

Ya know, I think it's too bad that we can't follow Saddam's model of dealing with opposition - just open up mass graves and start torturing, maiming, and murdering liberals and leftists by the millions - toss them into the ground, and fill the holes up with dirt. I would love to volunteer for such duty!

Eat shit and die, all of you!

J. Baker

As many readers know from skimming such websites like "FreeRepublic" or "TownHall" that there is an abundance of people who are fanatical and blinded by hatred to what is authentically American as enumerated in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

If Mr. Bush and Mr. Rove are going to make a Constitutional amendment stating that "marriage is constituted as a union only between a man and a woman" one of the central pillars for his presidential election campaign. It will be historic in denying an entire segment of the population the right to "equal protection under the law".

Historically speaking the fact that Prohibition failed is the freedom of choice was denied to all adults through a minority segment of the population. The FMA is fated to be abolished to if passed over the intention and wording within the Constitution and Bill of Rights.


Thank you for everyone who came out for the first anniversary poetry reading of Laura Bush's cancellation of a poetry reading at the White House. This was a nationwide event called by

Oh My Goddess Coffeehouse was gracious to host the event.

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