Friday, March 03, 2006

Chris Bower's of has a thoughtful take on what the recent polling numbers on Bush Republicans means.

I agree with his view that it will be a generational change in both houses of Congress.

What I don't agree with is the analysis of the idea of impeachment of Bush. Recent polling on the support for impeachment seems to go hand in hand with a generational change in Congress. Why? Because there is still a bright line about what is wrong and what is right with respect to what we think about being citizens under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The polling numbers on Bush- on popularity, right direction/wrong direction, and impeachment- shows trending numbers that are against any solidification of Republicans in Congress.

What people want is for there to be principaled stand by the Democratic Party that is for the Constitution and Bill of Rights against the transgressions and criminal activities by Bush and the Republican Congress.

There should be no cooperation with Republicans for the passage of renewal of the illegal USA Patriot Act. But, as my partner asked, "Where are the Democrats?". She is so mad that she will no longer donate to the DCCC and DSC because of their failure on issues that matter most- privacy, right to reproductive freedom, illegal domestic spying, the setting up of a gulag system of the "disappeared", and the wrecking of any sane federal fiscal policy that would keep America from being a debtor to the world.

I will work for change in the Democratic Party.

However, I will continue to push the party to take it's Constitutional duties seriously and push for impeachment because it is the right thing to do.
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