Saturday, February 11, 2006

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Silencing Bush critics with prison

Glenn Greenwald hits the nail on the head. The ought to be a serious investigation into the domestic spying that is happening under Bush the Terror's administration.

While Dick Cheney and Bush the Terror continue to use the fear card in keeping a restive populace quiet, it is their minon's like CIA's Porter Goss which are actively pursing the patriotic leakers of this impeachable offense against the Constitution and the people of the United States.

As many bloggers have noted it is this administration's intent to squelch dissent by the people through the tactics of intimidation through unlawful spying on their activities.

Glenn shows us on a point by point basis that what AG Gonzales is being asked to do is in direct conflict with his stated purpose of having the president as "his client". This clearly shows that Mr. Gonzales is not performing his other role as Attorney General which is to "protect and to defend" the Constitution.

It is up to us, the citizens of this nation, to speak loudly and forcefully in a unified voice, "Enough!" It is time to take a courageous stance against those who use the whip of fear to cower a nation whose heritage is that of rebellion against the mightest nation then. Are we going to live up to that standard or will be lie down in a bed of fear created by Bush the Terror and those who are his masters?

"Give me Liberty" rather then the nightmares being spun by Bush the Terror who believes in the poll that people of this nation will surrender their freedom for safety.
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